• Vera Luísa Franco

    Co-creating Next Regenerative Thriving Cultures

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    16 - 20 October 2024 - Faro, Portugal


    Start your path into Radical Responsibility by going through a series of highly effective and brilliantly clear Authentic Adulthood Initiations. Learn to ignite your Inner Resources and connect to the larger forces of Nature for creating your life consciously.

  • I am...

    ...moved by the unbound human potential to live an abundant, creative and thriving life with each other and the world.

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    My Job:


    To move you towards...











    Through delivering 5-body thoughtware upgrade and evolutionary processes for individuals, groups, and communities in Trainings and Coaching sessions.

  • Hello! I'm Vera.


    I take delight in creatively collaborating with other people to build and evolve gameworlds and cultures where we can adventure beyond the known paradigms, challenge the status quo and our own biases, heal schisms and relations, free ourselves from all our prisons and constructs, and empower ourselves and each other to live our true purpose.


    I bring clarity and possibilities to individuals, communities and organisations, by delivering empowering and healing distinctions that creates effective transformation.


    For evolution of human consciousness to occur, we navigate out of the familiar world, into new territories that have always been there, but were not visible to you before. I open doors for new pathways, being with you in the deep trenches and the mountaintops.

  • “There are many things that seem impossible

    only so long as one does not attempt them.” ― André Gide

  • Carolin Waldmann

    The sessions with Vera were eye-opening and changed the view on my inner life and have been with me ever since. What is so special for me about Vera is that she is absolutely present to what is happening in me and the space around me. At the same time through her being so attuned to the higher purpose of her work she offered me the exact right experiments and words to hold me in a safe space where I could be fully seen and present with my vulnerability and love for the world.